the glory of God...part 2

When I sit in my favorite chair in the morning, with my bible and my devo book heavy in my lap, I sip my perfectly brewed coffee....the house is quiet.  The day is just beginning.   I can read and think and worship and sing and pray.......and the glory of God is closer.

That hasn't happened for a couple of weeks.  Seriously.  I remember the last morning it did happen and it was intimate and gracious.  It has been less so lately.  For the past week we have fostered a toddler.  When I said "yes" to this respite placement, I thought it was a 10 month old baby but when I got there, it was an 18 month old toddler.    Toddlers this age are busy and they don't sleep well. 

So far, we have 2 days and 1 night left with him and if we can manage that we will return him alive and well to his regular foster placement......and the glory of God will be given praise because we did just that.  Kept him alive and kept him well.  His foster mom won't like me because I didn't just lay him down for naps and bedtime.  I held him and rocked him and I squeezed his squishy feet.  I rubbed his soft head and kissed him a lot.  I found out he likes almond milk and I gave it to him whenever he asked for it.  He walked around our home for a week with his sippy cup.  I'm sure that breaks some rules.  He also ate food whenever he pointed to the high chair and said "eat" because I was so impressed with his initiative.  I'm guessing that won't be as impressive when he gets back home either. 

I spoil children.  I do.  I just love them so much and am so easily impressed and persuaded.  I may get blacklisted from the foster mom social media pages.....whatever.  I really don't like the 18 month age of development anyway.  You spend all day just trying to keep them alive. 

Yesterday I went to the store because I have been craving salmon for some time now.  I bought salmon and lump crab and what I needed for a yummy risotto.....and I spend a good deal of my precious Friday afternoon getting ready for a feast.  I love to cook and eat at home when we have time and don't need to go anywhere.  As we were prepping Roger noticed I had bought trout and not salmon.  What the heck?!  Trout?  Who eats trout?  not me!  Well, we made a plan and we grilled trout and I fried crab cakes and the lemon primavera risotto turned out awesome......and then I spent a long time in the kitchen cleaning up. 

Today I decided I was not going to cook.  I have cooked most nights this week and also juggled a foster toddler and my own kids and I didn't want to use my entire Saturday doing that.  We warmed up leftovers and it was fine.  Spontaneously, we found out a dance team recruit needed a place to sleep tonight so we said "yes" and scrambled to set up a cot and blankets (and wipe down the bathroom counter etc).

The glory of God this week is less in my devo time in my favorite chair and more in the everyday work of living life and loving people.  I look forward to next week when maybe I can sit in my spot again with my bible heavy in my lap.  Until then, I will move about more quickly and keep all the people here loved and cared for and fed and kissed and hugged..... 


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