Today is Palm Sunday for us!  It is the start of Holy Week for Christians.  I wasn't at church this morning, as we usually are on  Sunday mornings.  The weight and importance of this Holy Week has begun to weigh heavy on me, now that we are home from our weekend in Minneapolis.  We had a great time and the drive home told all 7 of us that we had spent PLENTY of time bonding as a family.  (Insert smiles)   We are all ready for a bit of space.  I am grateful tonight for a home that allows us to have space.  I can be at my computer in the dining room which is the central hub of our home.  The littles are in front of me in the family room but they are occupied and don't need me for a minute.  The teens are all in their spaces.  Roger is at practice for Maundy Thursday church service which will happen this coming Thursday.  It is a re-enactment of The Lord's Supper before He went to the cross.......Roger does a fantastic job with these dramas.  I can't wait to go watch him. 

I have a problem, though.  Precious doesn't want to go.  She doesn't want to see it.  She has come the past years and is always so troubled with this hard service.  My struggle is that she is not troubled because she does not understand what is happening.  It is quite the opposite.  She knows exactly what is being portrayed.  She understands.  It hurts her. ( it scares her.)  Watching Jesus be betrayed and taken away stirs her soul and it is.....appropriate. 

There have been years where Holy Week did not stir me, or scare me, or trouble me.  It does this year.  It does because I can see it through her deep and wise and piercing eyes, and ultimately I will do what I need to do to make her feel safe.  I will also try to own it myself.  She is a child and she sees what is true and real and she sees Holy Week.  She doesn't want to watch it unfold. 

Want to know a secret?  Neither do I.  I've been a Christian most of my life, as far back as I can remember.  I have strayed.  I have rebelled.  I have walked away and I have crawled back to Him.....and I don't want to watch it either.  It hurts.  It scares me.  It causes my soul to be troubled.  I needed a savior and a Savior came for me.  He came and He lived and He died.  For me.  And for You.  Holy Week is about facing that. 

I won't make Precious face it and feel it this year, but I intend to face it and feel it for both of us.  I will take hers on me and feel it for both of us.  Her life and her history and her legacy in Christ are so precious to Him.....and so this week I will do it for both of us.  For this year I will do it for both of us. 

I have decided to take a short Facebook break.  I have never done this because I love Facebook.  I love checking in on what is happening with everyone.  I love the recipe videos.  I love the likes and shares and comments.  I need to take a break this week so that I can reach for Holy Week and reduce distractions.  I am hoping to write here, on the blog as I process, with God's blessing. 

I won't post links for the blog on Facebook either.  If you want to know if I am posting, please write down the blog address and type it in and look it up for this week.  Or don't.   Either way.  It's:  

Blessed Holy Week to you all.  Stay tuned for more thoughts if and when they unfold!


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