
I'm reflecting on parenting tonight.  It is actually way too late in the day to be doing this, but I am doing it now anyway, at 10:20pm......because for today, hopefully, I am done....parenting. 

Last night Precious was up at 11:30pm and restless.  She found her way to the little nest we built for her on the floor in our room and was able to sleep there all night.  Hopefully tonight she can just stay in her bed.    Parenting.

Last week one day, I was the driver for carpool for the pre-schoolers.  On the way to preschool these 4/5 year olds were having a conversation/argument about whether it was Jesus or God who died on the cross......seriously.  I made a feeble attempt to explain the triune God to them in the car.  Whatever I said made them stop arguing and think a bit.  Parenting. 

Later that day, Claire had a question about a scripture passage that didn't make sense to her.....something in the old testament.....and so while I was fixing dinner I got out my life application bible and dug into it and we hashed it out together.......Parenting. 

This morning I got up on time so that I could prepare a tater tot casserole for supper tonight.  I had to work a full day and would not get home in time to cook so I needed something that the kids could pop in the oven.  In Northwest Iowa, that can be tater tot casserole.  Don't judge.  We love it here.  In fact, it was a request from my Josiah.  So there.  If you want the recipe, let me know. ( Seven people ate there fill and we had leftovers for one person to take for a meal for the win. )  While I was prepping our casserole this morning, and running around waking up kids, stuffing backpacks, feeding the dogs, and fighting for my turn in the bathroom to shower, Claire came out of her room.  She said, "Mom, I need an idea for devotions this morning.  I want something more interactive than them just sitting and listening to me read."  As I popped waffles in the toaster and unloaded the dishwasher, I told her about something that I like to do.  I said, "well, Claire, you could do something kind of prophetic...but don't call it that because it freaks people out.  Just pick a scripture and read it out loud. Psalms work well.  Have them write or draw a picture or thought they get as you read it...and then talk about that."   as I was flushing the toilet and then washing my hands, she was yelling at me....."what scripture mom?  what do you think would be good?"   I got this.    Parenting.  

Psalms.  Psalm 91....the Psalm of protection.  Psalm 71.  Psalm 23 (of course) and my personal favorite.....Psalm 139.  While we were waiting for God to bring us Precious Maryn, He gave me Psalm 139 as my is layered in truth.  Truth of who He is, and who I am to Him...and how He answered our prayers for her......its just so so good. 

Tonight, after a long and full day of work for me, I was taking our tater tot casserole out of the oven and setting out salad and bread and butter.  Claire needed to eat and then dash off to dance.  She has her last high school competition this coming weekend.  This mama will be sad to see this season end.  I asked her what she ended up doing for her devotions this morning in living groups.  She doesn't always take my advice you know.  Sometimes she goes a different way.  And that's ok.    Parenting.

She did the reading of Psalm 139.  the whole freakin' chapter, not just a few select and leading verses.  She put it up on the overhead projector and she had the kids in her living group listen and write or draw whatever God revealed to them.....before they started she prayed for them, that God would reveal and that they would be free to see....just like we talked about this morning.  This is a very conservative Christian school.  This was a bold move.  I am so stinkin' proud of this kid I can hardly stand it.  Parenting. 

I fail at most of what I do as a mom most days.  Sometimes I don't.  Let's celebrate the times we don't fail as parents.....and savor a win once in awhile.  I put out a request on facebook for friends to share with me what they think it means to be a good mama.  I will also put it here.  Share in comments or email or message me.  I would love a comprehensive list to chew on......Mother's Day is coming soon, after all. 


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