count your blessings.....and bake almond patties

I have been reminded lately to count your blessings, count them one by one, and I have decided to be more intentional about that.  I have a husband who works hard every day and comes home and is pleasant, even if his day was not.  I have 5 beautiful children that are complicated and interesting and will be a gift to the world.  It is our job to help them find their path.  That path is also a blessing.  I have a career that I was called to by God, and that fulfills me as much as it breaks my heart.  Helping people heal and be the best they can be is not easy work. 

I have very important friends who are kind to me and love me, warts and all.  I live in a community that strives to be kind, generous and good.  I have eagles in the winter, lilac bushes in the spring, baseball in the summer and bonfires in the fall.  I have four complete seasons to celebrate. 

I have a love for food.  It is a blessing (and a curse) because it gives me pleasure and a vessel to show my love.....and a need for regular exercise and a weight loss plan, but whatever.  Today the younger kids were home   "staff development day".  The littles painted a lot and watched too many shows on screens.  What?  I had to work too!  Jeremiah spent most of the day playing x-box because although he had been invited to a fun outing with some school friends, he was unfortunately  uninvited yesterday.  Something about not enough room in the vehicle.....he was so bummed.  He was sad and mad and I just decided to let him mope in the basement. ( there is only so much energy in each day. ) We went on an outing to the bakery.  I am going to visit a couple of my friends tomorrow in Kansas City.  They both happen to live there.  I wanted to bring some Dutch treats for their families.  Between the 3 of us we have 17 children and 3 husbands.    The littles and I went and I let them each choose a treat.  I also bought frozen almond patties and thawed them out and baked them so that they would be warm and fresh from the oven when Claire and Isaac rolled in from school.  Yes.  Yes I did. 

Claire had about 10 minutes from rolling in to rolling back out for a night at work.  She texted me shortly after she left and said this:  "A warm almond patty is literally the best thing ever."  I am teaching important truths and love languages to her and she is agreeing with me.  Sigh.  Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.  I do have so many blessings. 

I didn't get to exercise, or shower or clean the house today.  Those are my 3 goals every day.  Zero.  It's Friday.  I did help and supervise artwork with acrylic paints.  Twice.  And made a tater tot casserole for Roger to use this weekend since I am abandoning this ship for a couple nights.....and going to love on some sister friends and sleep in a hotel and not cook or clean a bloomin' thing.  They will be fine. ( I also bought yummy cinnamon sugar bread from the bakery.....they won't starve. )

No one has a fever today.  Maybe the flu has left us for the year.  That would be fine with me.  Blessing number 207. 

Count your blessings, people, name them one by one.  Count your blessings and see what the Lord has done.  I could make a much longer list but I need to help Josiah get his gloves on.  They are going outside to play before the sun goes down.  Snow won't be here forever! 


  1. Hi. I recently discovered your older post about starting a "Joy Pink Club." Are you still involved with SCH, and are you still interested in the club. I commented on your original post, but wasn't sure if you would see it, so I wanted to post here as well.


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