thoughts on Intercession

Sunday morning, in worship, the Lord moved me to intercessory tears.  If you go to my church, on any given Sunday, you may see me crying as we sing.  Do not presume to know why I am crying.  Sometimes I cry tears of wonder and awe that a God so big could love me so much.  Sometimes I cry because I am humbled by my weakness, my failures, my exhaustion just doing my days......sometimes I cry tears of repentance.

This week, as we sang, I cried tears of intercession.  God brought to my mind the pain and sorrow and need of 3 people I care about.  He gave me a glimpse of their situation and the Lord and I together cared for them in unison, in prayer.

The first wave of tears was for my sweet Grace as she worked through the funeral and good-byes for her father.  I cried because she was a daddy's girl and they were very close.  I cried because of her loss.....and I asked God to hold her heart and heal her pain.  I believe as we looked at Grace's heart together, God was agreeing.  I praised Him for giving her so much peace and assurance that her father is in Heaven.....and I thanked Him.

The second wave of tears was for a young boy who is in a treatment facility.  He is in foster care.  He is hurting.  He has known more loss in 10 years than I have known in my whole life.  He is angry and he is sad and he feels hopeless.  I prayed for him, that the Lord would give him hope and strength and would make a way for him out of this situation and into a safe and loving family.

The last wave of my tears was for a young mama I work with.  She is in a very hard situation and feels as if the odds are stacked against her.  She is smart and sweet and works hard and loves her baby so much......and I asked God to show her favor.  I asked Him to grant her mercy and strength and courage and give her healing and the desire of her heart in this situation.

When the song ended, I dried my tears and took my seat.  I listened in to the scripture and the preacher......and I trusted God with the prayers of intercession I prayed.  I still do.

Today, already, the Lord is working and moving His mighty hand and will to help those I prayed for.  Today, already, there are changes happening, rumbling and the heavens.....of protection, of divine justice, of grace.

Go to God.  Go to God with all of it, the big and the small things.  The personal things and the things that have nothing directly to do with you.....but matter to the Lord God Almighty.  Go to God and do not carry the burdens alone.  His yoke is easy and His burden is much, much lighter.


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