Facing the week......

It is late on Sunday evening and I am staring at a huge hike up a mountain this week.  (if only)   We have known this week was coming for awhile now.....and when I go to sleep tonight, I will wake up and know that it is here.  Today we did a mad dash trip to Sioux City to buy shorts and socks and underwear and umbrellas....because spring is here and our growing family needed .....stuff.  It was not restful.

Soccer, track and golf have started for Isaac and Jeremiah.  This week is full of games and practices.  Josiah has some limited daycare and because I am mom I need to adjust my work schedule to manage that.   Wednesday is the fund-raiser dinner for Claire and another teen who is going on a mission trip this summer.  I am so, so bad at planning things like this.  It is a weakness, a flaw.  The details, the delegating, the assigning responsibility.....at one of our planning meetings, I took 2 jobs.  2.  One I got done and the other I forgot about......oh my word.  I am doing this thing because it is right and good.....and I am trying not to have a panic attack.  Did we guess correctly on food?  Will people come?   How do we thank people who donate time and food and money?

And at the end of the week is Prom.  We are part of the after-prom committee and we are totally under the wire.  Roger is an organized, detail-oriented rock star.  Thank goodness.....I'm just trying to swallow and gulp and burp through all the technical details that stress me out......and get to Friday when Claire will wake up and spend the day getting ready with hair and make up and preparing the banquet venue for Prom.  Thank you to everyone in the junior class who decided she should be on the list of officers and voted for her.  Thank you for heaping piles of stress on her and on us as her "after prom" parents.....enter sarcastic sigh.

My program in public health relies on a credentialing process, and is grant funded.  The credentialing team is coming at the end of April to audit our program.  This means I have work to do to make sure that the paperwork (details)  backs up the work that has been done.....and I need to log in many hours in the next 3 weeks......so lets just feel the weight of pouring more stress on the stress bonfire......that I build every night as I hike up the mountain...

These are all good things.  All.  Good things.  I am complaining a bit and whiney because I am not someone who enjoys big social splashes.  I like intimate talks with a friend or two at dusk with a glass of wine. (thank you Jen and Lori for our little date on Saturday).   I like one on one shopping with dinner to connect and reset our family buttons in a relaxing way.  I like weeks where we do not have something to do every single evening......I like.....less.

The trouble is that with 5 kids I don't get weeks like that all the time.  Sometimes, the week looks like a mountain.  So we climb.  We will daily climb this mountain and do what we need to do to make every day a good day.  Starting, tomorrow, I will wake up with my alarm clock and make eggs and switch laundry and prepare my family for Monday.....and go to work and go to soccer and make dinner and ready myself to do Tuesday....and so on and so forth.  At some point I will learn that it is Sunday and we made it over the mountain this week.  I will take a deep breath.....a week from today.  I will decide what kinds of self care I can implement.....and do those things.  ,

For now, I need to find my hiking gear and face this mountain of daily living.  Ready.  Set.  Go.


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