Jars of Oil and listening ears

Today our sermon in church was from 2 Kings 4 about the widow and the jars of oil. This is one of my all time favorite stories in the bible. 6 years ago, we were preparing to go to India for the first time, it may have even been about this time of April in fact. I was worried about how to pay for such an extravagant trip on a tight budget. Roger may or may not have also brought up that point once the decision was made to travel to southern India to see the children of Sarah's Covenant Homes for the first time. As I was praying about this, talking with the Father, he hinted at this particular passage....so I got out my bible and read through it. My desire had been to just buy the tickets on a credit card and be done with it......I hate asking people for help, especially for money. When I went through the story, I felt like God was saying....go to YOUR neighbors and ask them for THEIR empty jars.......not just pay for it yourself and move on. ...