children's church today
This morning Isaac and I were assigned to be the helpers for the 3/4 year old program at church. The kids and I are on rotations for different kids activities at church so we have to watch the announcements to know when it is our turn. After the worship and greeting time, Isaac and I left for "children in worship" which is the class Josiah does during morning church. 24 little kids came into the class and found spots on the carpet squares. The teacher (God bless her!) did the greeting, the prayer, the singing and the story......and the story was about Moses leading his people through the desert, the parting of the river and the Israelites passing through the parted waters to the promised land. the pre-schoolers listened and were really attentive. They each got a turn to move the people through the parted river to the other side.....and then they did snacks and free play time until their parents came to collect them. Two things. 1. Josiah w...