some thoughts on fear and courage
We just returned from a volleyball competition in Kansas City. These weekends of club volleyball are exciting and stressful, expensive and also costly in social and emotional currency. Some moments gain and some moments lose in the account. The recent article that circulated locally about why someone pulled his kids out of club volleyball was interesting to say the least. What he didn't describe was the social and interpersonal and spiritual gain that are available by leaving town and spending time with people who don't look like you, think like you or care about the same things.....and how some of those moments are rich teaching moments between parents and children that would not be available if all we ever did was live, work and play with our local circle of peers. I'm going to discipline myself to say no more on that topic. I was fearful to even bring it up but I'm just tired enough tonight to feel a bit courageous as well. My kid...