Mothers Day 2023

 it's Mothers Day weekend.  I used to try to do a birth mom saturday thing and we went and bought flowers and planted them in pots....but it caused so much pain and heartache and my kids were sobbing....and I was thinking to  no thank you.  We will deal with all the birth trauma but not this weekend..because I'm the one suffering here.  We stopped doing that because...only God can sort that out.

our extra kredits have not seen their mama for awhile.  she left.  they have lots of other family that love them but I was warry and anxious about how mother's day would be for them.  Gosh.  They are troopers...they are beyond resilient.  They are grounded and rooted and grateful and hopeful and they know they are loved.  Only God ... 

I also have 3 bio kids that are older and don't need so much...but are also old enough to understand Mother's Day. They bless me and they make sure I understand that they see how much mothers mean....and I am just a mediocre that also is only God.  

I have a mom.  and a step-mom.  and a mom-in-law.  I love them and I need each of them.  Momming matters. Each of them teach me and shephard me and show me where to go next.....

Happy mother's day to me tomoroow...and to all of you out there who are also being called mom by someone.  It is hard work.  It is worthy work.  it is irreversible and permanent work.  it is the capitals and the lower case and the really big things and the little moments.....

Take a moment tomorrow to know it matters.  I will as well. 



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