considering a parenting-blog-kind of deal

 Roger suggested that maybe I should do another blog.....something more focused.  I'm considering this.  I have worked with moms and babies for over 20 years which is literally a generation.  I love this work and I have learned some important truths...and still continue to learn as time goes on.  I definitely don't have all the answers and if we are honest, who really does?  There are some things that I know that I know that I know.

  Babies and children overall need lots of love and attention.  They need to be seen and heard and known. Babies and children need to have someone delight in them.  They need time and they need intention.  The people who care for babies and children overall also need lots of love and attention.  The adults who care for children need to be seen and heard and known.  They need time and they need intention because growing up kids is a lot. Parents and caregivers need a space to breathe.   Both need support and both need language in order to get needs met.  I care about both ends of this thing.  

I think I could maybe do this?  I know a lot.  I also write cathartically.  I don't want to do it unless I can do it well because time is a thief and we are all busy....and we don't have time to waste on reading or chewing on something we read that is wishy-washy and mediocre.  

I have young adult children myself who may choose to parent one day.  I would love it if they could read something like this and decide for themselves without having to look me in the face and determine if my expression and body language says I approve or not.  On any given day this could betray me.  I have hot flashes....and I have a short temper.....written words may be a better option?  

If I did a blog about the things I know and am learning and have learned about babies and toddlers and parenting, what would that look like?  What would it be called?  Who would read it?  Would it be relevant?  I hope the last question would decide for me because life is way too short to be irrelevant.  

If you have an opinion or idea or response, let me know.  


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