
Showing posts from August, 2022

new table cloth

 There are 2 places that are really hard for me to be when another one of my birdies leaves the nest.  Sunday church row and my dinner table.  Jeremiah left about 10 days ago and he is the third to leave the rhythm of my home.  I knew it was coming but it was still really hard to go to church and sit in our row and not have him there.  Palpably, achingly hard.  But this is the way this goes.  They grow up, they graduate from high school and they do what they do.  Claire and Isaac both chose to go to school right here in town but that still didn't change the way the row at church felt.....or the way I set the table for dinner each night.   Ironically, or may be not, 2 of the hardest tasks for me as a mom has been to get everyone up and dressed and to church on time week after week, and secondly, the mad rush to get dinner on the table to feed my family.  When they were all really young it was chaos and crying and struggle....and when...

considering a parenting-blog-kind of deal

 Roger suggested that maybe I should do another blog.....something more focused.  I'm considering this.  I have worked with moms and babies for over 20 years which is literally a generation.  I love this work and I have learned some important truths...and still continue to learn as time goes on.  I definitely don't have all the answers and if we are honest, who really does?  There are some things that I know that I know that I know.   Babies and children overall need lots of love and attention.  They need to be seen and heard and known. Babies and children need to have someone delight in them.  They need time and they need intention.  The people who care for babies and children overall also need lots of love and attention.  The adults who care for children need to be seen and heard and known.  They need time and they need intention because growing up kids is a lot. Parents and caregivers need a space to breathe.   Bot...