Who can help?

 There has been a picture on Facebook the past few days.  The picture shows strollers and buggies at a train station in Polland.  The caption says that Pollish mothers left the strollers and buggies there for Ukrainian mothers who are fleeing Ukraine with their babies on foot, so that when they arrive in Polland they can take the strollers and buggies to ease their burden and travel lighter with their children.  The picture is beautiful and tells a story that stays with me.  It is particularlialy poignant because as I was reading about the unrest I was learning that Polland could be one of the next targets of Russia.  Even though they may need the strollers and buggies soon, they leave them at the train station for their Ukrainian sisters for their babies for the now....and maybe it is an act of faith for the what comes next.....so that someone else will show up for the Pollish mamas who need help if they need to flee.  Maybe that never crossed their minds, maybe they were just thinking that these women and children would be desperate and afraid and running and would need help and so they took their strollers to the train stations and left them there just in case.  

Last week I met a woman who needed help quickly.  She was getting evicted and needed a place to stay.  I used the same social platform and posted a request for help.  I wondered and part of me was gaurded because often I ask for help and I am disappointed....but this time......this time the strollers showed up on the train station platform for me.  Several people sent me messages with legit offers to take in this family and offer them shelter and help.  I was overwhelmed with the quality and authenticity of the response.  I'm not sure what to do with it, actually, except to say right now...thank you to every one of you that reached out to me privately and said......I can help.  I have space.  I will come pack them up and they can stay with me.  I will do what I can.  I will be uncomfortable.  I will be moved.....I will give up  my "stroller" for her and her babies. 

 For now, she was able to make a plan with a relative for a temporary safe place, and her community agency can hopefully help her get re-established with a permanent place to live.  If not I will ask again for help with a more permanent place for her to live.  I plan to make a list of every one of you that reached out to me with an open door and a place to stay because it will come up again and someone will need a place to stay....and I will reach out to you...you have my word....so keep your "stroller" ready on the train station platform.  

We can all do something.  We cannot all do everything.  Wonder each day with me what that something is that you can do.....wonder if you have a stroller in the garage that you could dust off and park at the train station just in case someone might need it when fleeing from danger.....maybe it's not a stroller.  Maybe it is a car, or an apartment, or a camper.  Maybe its a fridge or a dresser.  Maybe it is a crib or a backpack....or a laptop for a high school student....or a pair of soccer shoes for an athlete....or an instrument for a student who wants to join the band....maybe it is a job for a young lady who cannot get paid to work while she waits for her work visa to get approved.....I don't know all the answers....just be curious for a half a minute and wonder.

Meanwhile there are really women and children fleeing dangerous countries ( and have been for years and years and years) and when they turn to fix their gaze my way I will meet their gaze and I will ask them again and again and again.....what do you need?  what can I do?  and you can bet your last dollar that I don't have what they need when they answer so I will be asking again and again and again....Who can help?


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