back to school.....
Today we moved Claire back to college for year 2. So many times, in the past few days, I remembered what a hot mess I was last year at this time. I was not prepared to let the first birdie fly from the nest and my heart was breaking because she was moving on into her best life as a young adult. I had given her the best of me for almost 19 years and now it was time for her to start using all of that to move forward. I prayed she would make good friends and that she would find her way into God's calling for her life. I prayed she would have fun and grow in confidence and independence and scholarly wisdom. When she came home for a Sunday evening I tried to make foods she liked and make being home feel lovely. I am acutely aware of all the feels going on for my friends who are currently experiencing all of that heart ache as they move their first birdie out......and here is what I know. It gets better. It doesn't hurt so much for v...