Find a prayer life.

Today I happened to pass by someone who has been one of my prayer partners.  We don't spend time together on a regular basis.....except in prayer.  I could hug her every time I see her because her faithful prayers have sustained me in some of my darkest and most lonely moments. 

Another friend texted me a voice message recently.  She knew I was struggling and feeling very overwhelmed and she prayed for me.  She prayed scripture out loud to me......and it was life-giving. 

I have some seriously intense and powerful prayer partners in this world.  I am humbled and grateful to do life with them. 

I need my prayer life as much as I need water, rest and food.  I don't think I could make it through many of my days without the power of prayer.  Praying for others whenever God brings them to mind is part of my daily activities.  I live a prayerful life.  I go over the list in my mind of people I know who are struggling, or waiting, or suffering, or hoping, or celebrating....and I lift them up to God.  When I face a challenge, the first thing I do is rally my prayer people.  I have lots and lots of prayer people.  I use them.  Often. 

I would encourage anyone who isn't tapping into a prayer life to start one.  Start small and just pray.  Pray for others.  Pray especially when you feel sorry for yourself, or you feel a bit self-absorbed.  Prayer can set those thoughts straight really quickly.  In addition to praying for others, tell them you are praying for them.  People need to know.  It might feel weird at first but trust me when I say that it will be rewarded.....again and again.  Pray and tell God how much you notice how awesome He is....and how beautiful His creation is.   Thank him for the gift of life.  Thank him for your people.  Thank him over and over and over.......Pray scripture.  If you don't know what that means ask me.  Pray.  Pray more.  Pray often.  Pray again.   Lastly, and this is the burden of my heart tonight.......

Ask for prayer.  Be vulnerable.  Be honest.  Be broken and be needy......God will raise up an army of praying people for you.....just broken vessels just like you....who will take this seriously and pray.  If you don't know who to ask or how to start.....ask me.  

I.  Will.  Pray. 


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