
Showing posts from July, 2018

the glory of God...part 2

When I sit in my favorite chair in the morning, with my bible and my devo book heavy in my lap, I sip my perfectly brewed coffee....the house is quiet.  The day is just beginning.   I can read and think and worship and sing and pray.......and the glory of God is closer. That hasn't happened for a couple of weeks.  Seriously.  I remember the last morning it did happen and it was intimate and gracious.  It has been less so lately.  For the past week we have fostered a toddler.  When I said "yes" to this respite placement, I thought it was a 10 month old baby but when I got there, it was an 18 month old toddler.    Toddlers this age are busy and they don't sleep well.  So far, we have 2 days and 1 night left with him and if we can manage that we will return him alive and well to his regular foster placement......and the glory of God will be given praise because we did just that.  Kept him alive and kept him well.  His fo...

the glory of God....part 1/Serendipity

Months ago, I bought a book written by the great John Piper called:  Reading the Bible Supernaturally.....Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture.   It has taken me a while to get going in is heavy stuff for me.  I can read a bit, then think about it awhile, chew it up like bubble gum, and then when I feel like I have grasped a concept, I can turn the page and chew some more.  This week I began to read more intentionally and to also ask God to show me His Glory in my days.  I have praised Him for the glory He possesses and shares, I have thanked Him over and over for blessings like legs to walk, a heart to feel, a mind to think, eyes to see and ears to hear.....I don't want to take any of it for granted.  John Piper said this in the book, as he was explaining glorify as it can also mean magnify....."Magnify.  Yes, that is a good word for glorify.  But it is ambiguous.  We do not magnify him  the way a microscop...