
I stood near the break room of my office today and gulped down tepid coffee, to cool my caffeine headache a bit.  I was waiting for someone to go on a walk and do something....brave.  My headache mellowed and we set out on our walk and did something in one of those sacred spaces in time.....and it was very, very brave.  My Wednesdays are like that sometimes.  I think goodness connected and healing began.....and the power of friendship showed up.

I took Precious Maryn today to her dress rehearsal for the 2017 dance recital this weekend.  She smiled through her jazz routine even though the little purple feather tickled her neck and had to be adjusted.  She managed to cope through her tap routine when her top hat kept falling off because it is too big now that we took her hair extensions out and she is all natural for the summer....and having her hat fall off made the teachers upset and made her uncomfortable.  Apparently I need to find an elastic strap in the next 24 hours and sew it in so that this doesn't happen during recital.  She also ate food she wasn't sure she would like, and then tolerated more wardrobe issues that were sensory miserable, and a too long last routine practice after 9 pm with people pushing her around backstage, and a sore neck from too many summer saults.....and she was so, so brave.  When I was 7 I would not have made it through such a long night and been able to make it all the way home before the tears and exhaustion opened up.  Dance makes her brave.

Jeremiah was in charge of Joe Joe tonight.  Isaac is studying for finals and doing baseball.  Claire was also working at rehearsal.  Roger was out of town Jeremiah had a plan to keep Josiah busy.  Jump on the tramp, swim, hot tub.  Go for a bike ride to the park.  Get icys from the newly opened icy stand..... and on the way back home, they saw a dead squirrel.  Josiah said to Jeremiah, " I wish God would just bring that squirrel back to life".  This kid.....he gets it.  He believes in the God who can raise the dead....and he is brave enough to want it to happen, even for a nasty squirrel.

A week from today, Claire goes to Haiti for her third time in one year.  It is brave for her to open her heart even more to the children of One Vision Haiti....and to love them unconditionally for a short week and then have to return home again to do life.  It is not any easy thing, to be brave.....

Brave things are happening everywhere, all the time.  People are pushing through their weakness, their fears, their barriers in order to get to the better side of it.  Be on the look watching for brave people doing things that are hard.....and cheer them on.


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