mission trip week!

And they are off!  Roger and Claire spent most of yesterday reading their lists, packing and discussing what they needed for their Haiti trip.  Both were nervous and wanting to be as prepared as possible.  I tried to help in anyway possible.  I kept a secret all day and didn't share it.  I will share it here.

In church, in the morning yesterday, we were singing our worship songs.  Roger was on the prayer team so he was on stage.  I was singing/praying as I often do, and listening for the Lord as I often do.  A quiet little thought snuck in that was NOT from my Father God.  It was something like this, " well that's the last time he will sing on stage, you are sending them away and will never see them again".......

I know!

Aweful, hideous little demon voices trying to destroy my worship and my reverence and my moment in MY CHURCH!  This is not new, I have battled these little mongrels plenty in my life.  I'm not a baby Christian any more.  I'm all growed up now.  (or at least on the right path to get there, depending on the day!) so in my heart and soul I recognized the fear and the idea that had been whispered into me, and I said a firm "no".  I took that thought captive in obedience to Christ and made sure that the dumb little demon mongrels knew I wasn't buying it, not for even one moment.

And then.....I began to weep.  I wept for the love I felt from God, and how much He must love me and my husband and my daughter, to send them on this mission of love and blessing to children at an orphanage center that He knows and loves so, so much.  I wept because my family was being sent......and that is a rich and beautiful thing.  I wept quietly and tried to sing and pray but I mostly just praised Him because He must have very special things in store for Roger and Claire.  When God has a huge agenda for advancing His Kingdom and Glory,  the devil tries so hard to cut and undermine and strike fear and doubt.  Those evil little voices only proved that my husband and daughter were headed for amazing things in Jesus Holy name and plan.

I kept this secret to myself for obvious reasons.  Roger and Claire didn't need to board a plane wondering if the devil would be a problem.  I ended up having an aweful night, trying to get something time-sensitive done for work, kids were crabby and demanding......I set my alarm for 2:20am to say good-bye as my missionaries left and then Grace saw I had checked my facebook and face-timed me.  It was so good to see her and hear from her but she is lonely and misses us and that made me feel sad.  I went back to bed and then Jeremiah showed up in the doorway of my bedroom in pain with a bad sore throat so I got up again at 2:40am to help him with medicine, popcycles, a baseball game and some love.  Back to bed.  Precious was in our bed thrashing and grinding her teeth so, so loud.  All of last week she slept alone in her bed all night but not last night.  Sigh.  Needed.  Sleep.  Reset alarm for 5:25am to make sure Isaac got up to go lift weights for football.......and then went back to bed....and got up at 7:20am to help him get breakfast.  Coach said they need to eat a lot of protein when they lift so we made a 3 egg scramble with 3 pieces of toast and strawberry jam.

Then I started my day.

I'm sure Roger and Claire are now in Haiti.  They should have landed a couple of hours ago.  I'm smiling on the inside, knowing that God himself prepared the way for them to go and is shining a light on their path in Haiti.  They may be hot and nervous and feeling out of their element but I, for one, know they are exactly where God wants them to be.  I can survive a hard week of dealing with stupid little demon attacks, and physical problems like tonsillitis and grinding teeth, and developmental problems like tantrums and teenage appetites......but only for a week.

Lord God Almighty, I'm saying now.......I need my people home a week from today.  Guide them.  Guard them.  Protect them.  Teach them.  Use them.         and then kindly return them to me.  Thanks.


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