March Aware
My 2023 word is Aware. I am striving to end each month with some awareness to keep myself accountable to my word and also to live presently and reflectively. March 2023...... 1. Cliches are there because of their truth If March comes in like lion, it goes out like a lamb. This late afternoon of the last day of March is quiet, mild and gentle. I'll take it. 2. This month has been brutal with too much snow and cold and wind and clouds....I am aware that we humans need sunshine and fresh air desperately, especially by March in the midwest. 3. I am aware that as the drizzle and cold rain fell today, green grass started to peek through. 4. I am aware, and remembering, that when children act out and misbehave, sometimes what they really need is connection and attention and some shared delight. Painting finger and toenails, planting some things in dirt, letting them have a deep and long bath with color tabs, making french ...