
Showing posts from April, 2022

My Maundy Thursday

       In this season of lent I have been thinking often about the veil that tore from top to bottom.  There are so many images in Christianity, when we consider the season of lent and more specifically Holy Week.  We see the palm branches and the donkey, we see the crowds yelling crucify him just days later....and as the week ends we come to this day.  The last supper, praying in the garden, being betrayed and taken by the soldiers, being tortured and led to the cross to many images that represent so much.  This is a familiar story for me.  This is my story.....and this year I find myself a bit distracted by that veil.  I have thought about it a lot.       I am not a theologian or a scholar.  I write reflections and wonderings and convictions.       For feel compelled to write out a few thoughts and reflections and convictions on this Maundy Thursday of Holy Week....