this side of heaven is hard
Recently I had a conversation with a friend. We discussed the struggle and strife of this world and how to manage it. My friend has had a particular struggle that has not lessoned or resolved for years. She is weary. She is crying out to Jesus for strength for today and brigh hope for tomorrow. She asked me if I had any advice for na vigating her struggle. I don't have advice. All I have is to know the struggle and to know it matters. I can hold space for her. I can acknowledge that life can be hard. I can listen to her and I can ache with her because the pain and struggle she is dealing with is aweful. She and I remembered together, as we talked, that this world is not our home. We are only here for a little bit. We are unto something greater and more wonderful and we can stay the course, we can press on...we can do the work. Jesus already declared a victory. Jesus already def...