on parenting....
Parenting. No one is really, actually prepared for it. We try to be. We read books, we buy stuff, we talk to other parents....we do the childbirth classes and we research breastfeeding tips and tricks....this is my world, its what I do with new families each and every day. I help them problem-solve through pregnancy, lactation, baby-proofing, potty training, discipline, school readiness......we discuss attachment and trauma-informed care with adoption and other scenarios..... We can only prepare for a fraction of what will actually happen as we parent. Maybe your kid will throw a fit in public and you will be helpless to fix it. Maybe someone else will step in and do a better thing than you know how to do...... Maybe your kid will go out and do something independent and wonderful and you can't know if they are being good or bad..... Maybe your kid will be exposed to something horrible that you didn't get a chance to prepare them for.....and t...