some thoughts on perspective
I've been thinking about perspective today. I went for a walk because it is late October and the sun was shining and my weather app said it was 60 degrees. Along the way, I noted that 60 degrees on October 29 with significant wind is not as warm and pleasant as 60 degrees in April after a long dark cold winter. 60 should be 60 right? 60 is not 60. 60 is only the temperature of the company that it keeps. Let that sink in a bit. 60 is only as warm or cold as the company it keeps. Metaphorically are you and I. I am only as warm or cold or generous or selfish as the company that term keeps. It is all relative to what is around me, what else is considered in the moment. I can be extravagantly selfish on Monday morning with my music playing and a hot cup of tea and a room full of quiet peace......but I cannot be that selfish at 5:30pm when my family is all around me and waiting for dinner, a ride here or ...